Thursday, May 23, 2013

State of the Week

Yep. Nothing but dumb picky stuff to do in the Studio..... rain, dark clouds, wind, rain..... mosquitoes the size of, well, Smartass..... rain..... can't go out in the garden, too soggy.....mosquitoes like a bad mood.... can't throw new pots, have to get that $#@#@order done.... yellow stain too yellow.... rain.... mosquitoes in the Studio while I'm trying to paint pansies on mugs..... rain....

And it isn't even Friday yet.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Coming Up for Air

That's kind of what I feel like now, like I'm coming up for air! I've worked hard the last couple of months and made lots of pots, including some substantial orders, and now I feel like I can coast for a little while and do some gardening.

The Carp Farmers' Market is open again, the Maple Run Studio Tour is over and went well, I've got pots in a couple of stores for the season..... life is sweet.

Here's a picture of the Maple Syrup Jugs I made for the Tour and the first few weeks of the Market:

The pancakes look pretty good, too, eh!

Then I made some Asparagus dishes and small jugs for the Market opening:

Of course the name is a pun - but I figure you can serve asparagus very nicely on these. You can put the dishes in the oven and warm them before putting the asparagus on, and keep them a bit warmer at the table. Asparagus cools so fast! And of course you need lots of Hollandaise sauce to go with it....

Happy Long Weekend! I hope yours has some asparagus and Hollandaise in it!